Saturday 30 July 2016

Facts about autism

Autism is a lifelong development disability. There is no cure. Ok let me say that again “THERE IS NO CURE”. I have met a lot of individuals on the spectrum that find the notion of trying to cure them an insult. There is nothing wrong with having Autism, it is not brain damage but a brain difference. Wenn Lawson calls Autism a difrability not a disability. I know I'm saying it again but there is no cure. This doesn't stop people selling snake oils and other potions claiming they can cure your child andI know from experience that in the first years of diagnosis it is tempting to to change fate. One of the reasons I hate celebrities is because they weild emense power over the masses and people believe what these people say. Jenny McCarthy believes that she cured her sons Autism and has even written a book about it. This was then exacerbated by Opra Winfrey as she made this a book of the month. Please oh please stop listening to these luddites. Love your children for who they are and stop trying to change them.

People will also believe everything they read, one article a few months back claimed that eating broccoli can cure Autism. Even if there has been a study it does not make it true. Let me explain, if a paper has been published saying that broccoli can cure autism then it has to be subject to peer review, which means that other individuals duplicate the study and in theory if the theory is solid then they should be able to replicate the data. If this is done by several groups then the reaserch is probably sound. If however no one can replicate the data then the reaserch is probably a load of b******s. So just because one group says it's true wait for further reaserch before force feeding your kids broccoli. So when the media even the BBC make a grand statement, it doesn't mean it's true. Love your children for who they are and stop trying to change them.

Autism is a 'hidden disability' there are few physical traits but it is pervasive which mean it impacts on every aspect of their life. This is the main problem you as parents will face. People only believe what they can see and this includes diability. If they can see the disability, people nowadays are more understanding but you will come across a lot of individuals that believe all the invisible disabilities are made up such as ADHD, Dyslexia, Asperger Syndrome and Autism and thats when you keep coming across the phrase “We didn't have these kind of things in our day”. Love your children for who they are and stop trying to change them. Has this sank in yet. My one friend took her son to Euro Disney 
Frank is nineteen and Severely Autistic. On day one he ran around and when he was near the cafe areas he wouod take food from unsuspecting diners. They would respond with things like “Well really” and “Please control your child”. On day two Frank refused to walk around the park because it was a hot day so his dad hired Frank a wheelchair to use for the day. Occasionaly Frank would take food from peoples plates and this time the family were met with “No, really it's ok”, “No don't worry about it”. This is why some parents have now taken to putting their children in tee shirts such as these

Autism is not a Learning Disability and is not a Mental Health problem. Although if you do not work with the child in an Autistic friendly manor will lead to an increased risk in Mental Health problems developing in later life

Autism is not exclusive. Individuals with Autism can have additional difficulties including Learning Disabilities and Mental Health problems. A friend of mine Sam who has Asperger Syndrome and developed Mental Health problems in his teens says there are two types of people with Autism. The ones that throw the desk at your head and the ones that sit at the back of the class in silence. The ones that sit at the back of the class are more at risk of Mental Health problems.

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