Thursday 28 July 2016

The squash effect

On Sunday evening I was very privileged to be invited to an awards ceremony that was being held by a local autism support group called Spectrum when I entered the venue I was so taken back by the amount of people that were in attendance and as the evening progressed you could feel the whole room was filled with so much love. Awards were given to various individuals who had reached milestones in their life such as overcoming bullying being really good at football, art or by being an amazing person. There were singers performing such as the Scott James a young man singing O sole mio, another young man playing the piano and a young man doing stand-up comedy, all very inspirational.
 It was a very moving experience and I began to think about why the big organisations don’t do things like this. It also hit me that this amazing group was like an underground movement and why had I not experienced anything like this before, so many questions. Then I thought is this how all projects start and then as they grow and grow into major entities does the love just dilute like water being added to concentrated squash. Is the future at the hands of the small groups whose love never dilutes?

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